as a trading company, silicon international ltd. has been in china for 26 years, supporting at first the early china semiconductor industry and later on the chinese pv industry. its first business in the pv industry in china began 7 years ago while helping suntech to get some wafers and early equipment.
silicon international has brought a lot of american equipments and technologies to china. and it is one of the exclusive representatives of spire. when asked about the “expensive” turnkey line from spire, mr. klaus feldmeier, ceo and president of silicon international, said, “it is very difficult to put a price on quality, but every dollar you spend on top line equipment won’t be wasted. turnkey lines from spire assure a new entrant into the pv industry the quickest time to market and the shortest path to profitability.” this is especially the truth after the financial crisis. the buyer would pay their attention and focus more on the quality. the quality cannot be managed only by employing more people with little money.
silicon international knows the chinese and us pv market well and enjoys a good relationship with the pv players. they also have a loyal, well trained, and dedicated team of chinese employees; and they know both the western and chinese culture and business practices well. these are just some of the advantage of silicon international.
硅国际成立于1986年,创始人是具有远见卓识的彼特.戴兹和陈大伟两位先生。2003年12月,克劳斯.费梅尔先生旗下的太平洋桥科技有限责任公司并购了硅国际有限公司。硅国际是美国优秀技术及资本的引入者。在光伏行业的第一个客户是中国的尚德。问及他们独家代理的spire的“昂贵” 生产线时,他说:“质量是很难标价的。”
作为连接中美光伏市场的桥梁,硅国际以其高超的领导水平,优异的销售业绩,可靠的m6米乐安卓版下载的技术支持以及顾客的高满意度傲视群雄,骄人的成绩吸引了15余家世界一流的制造商到中国设立办事处。其中包括:asml, ag联合公司, kla, 英特瑞斯公司,飞科公司,svg, dek, 梅尔贝格和thermawave公司。